Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Preparing for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving day is one of the biggest holidays here in U.S.A.
Most American homes celebrate the event with their family
and friends. Roast turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin and pecan pie
and some other recipes will be prepared.

At this time when the date for Thanksgiving is getting closer,
the line is long in almost every counter in every supermarket.
Almost all the shopping cart has turkey on it and pies ( pumpkin
and pecan
).This year is going to be the first Thanksgiving day
that my husband and I will celebrate here together. Not to miss
the tradition, we had our shopping done before the rush hour.

I always believe that no matter how tough life is, there's always
something that we have to be thankful of. Giving thanks doesn’t
have to be always having party. The best simple way of giving
thanks is through prayer. Let’s make everyday a Thanksgiving day.

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